The latest news... we took Emily for her 2 month checkup and all is well with her. She weighs 9 and a half pounds and is at the 40th percentile mark for height, weight, and head circumference. AWESOME! That is compared to other 2 month olds - not taking into account that she was 5 weeks early! She's doing great and we couldn't be happier.
Ryan was such a little ham in the doctor's office today. Dr. Boylston is back from her own maternity leave and Ryan was really showing off for her. He was hilarious. We spent most of the appointment laughing at him - he was like a little pinball bouncing around the office from one thing to the next, trying to see what kind of trouble he could start. He ran straight into the door (on purpose) and then turned around and ran straight into the opposite wall (also on purpose). He got a little red bump on his head but it didn't slow him down. He then decided to open one of the drawers and empty out the specimen cups that were in there. They were clean. :) He is just always going 100 mph. He has really been enjoying the top of the dining room table - we can't keep him off of it. I cleared it off thinking that if he didn't find anything interesting up there he wouldn't care to get on top of it. Nope. He must think I cleared it off to give him more room to play! He pulls out a chair, and just climbs right up. He can get himself up and get himself down. Totally scares us though.
Ryan has started crafting at daycare - here are some pictures of what he's done for us!
(sponge painting, a bird feeder, a flower fan?, and a mobile)
He has also "planted" grass in a small container and I have to admit it's greener than the grass in our yard! (Darn drought!)
Also, Ryan has really taken up swimming. He has been to a real pool twice now and he just loves being in the water. It is so fun to watch him! Here are some pictures of us at Cousin Annabel's birthday party last weekend!
And here are a few more pictures of our little Emily. The first picture is her 2 month picture that we took today at JCPenneys. The quilt she is on in the second picture was made by Ms. Donna - isn't it great?

Emily is very laid back (especially compared to our super busy Ryan). She sleeps a lot, rarely gets worked up, and spends a lot of her awake time stretching! (Super cute!) She tolerates her big brother well and is just a really good baby. Her hair has a touch of strawberry blonde and her eyes are still blue. We'll have to see if they stay that way!
Phew! That was a lot! Enough for now! I'll write again soon.
(Oh, real quick - Father's Day was great - Shane's mom has been in town and she was able to celebrate with us as well as Ryan's Uncle Scott (who is also his Godfather) and his beautiful fiance Sarah. We had a nice lunch. And going back to work has been challenging but also fun. Everybody has been so welcoming and nice and I haven't forgotten everything - except all of my passwords, I had to reset ALL of them! Ha!) Until next time... much peace.